Thin Client Computing Services

Imagine a desktop terminal without a hard drive. Your business accesses all its services and information via data centres stored on servers. Now, imagine the costs you will save versus purchasing and maintaining traditional PCs.

Highly scalable and secure, thin clients are sure to become the new favourite choice of IT departments the world over. We can create systems that use the public cloud, your company’s private cloud, or even on your local servers, according to your business’ requirements.

Thin clients increase security as it limits data able to be stored on the device by storing it instead in a data centre. This simultaneously reduces the risk of a breach or virus, and increases expansion possibilities – great for financial and governmental needs.

Without hard drives, fans, or other moving parts, thin drives are much less susceptible to failures compared to traditional PCs. This makes them more cost effective and energy efficient.

We offer premium solutions of high availability thin client computing, and we do this through our data centre partners around the world. Support teams can work directly to maintain servers in these data centres, instead of working on each traditional PC terminal one by one. This means that the workflow of your staff is minimally interrupted – and most times even unnoticeable.


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